Aurora Prophecy
Aurora Prophecy
15D KrystAlign Aura Calibration
Understanding the interplay between the strength of one's Auric Field and their level of awareness is crucial. By dedicating time to internal spiritual development and utilizing meditation to fortify energy reserves, individuals can mitigate vulnerabilities and risks. This focused approach enhances resilience against external energy harvesting, promoting energetic equilibrium and well-being.
Krystalign Aura Calibration
15D Bio-Field Clearing
KrystAlign Aura Calibration is all about cleansing the energy field surrounding your physical body, known as the aura or auric field. This field holds unseen blockages that can be identified and removed across all 15 levels of awareness during these sessions. Many people carry unresolved issues, belief systems, thoughtforms, paradigms, contracts, etc. from past lives in their soul memory, which we can energetically address by transmuting soul fragmentations. These fragmentations appear as dark areas or holes in the aura, signifying unresolved issues and stagnant life force energy.
* Auric Attachments
* Imprints
* Entites
* Thoughtforms
* Soul Fragments
* Personalities of Others (seen and unseen)
* Close any openings (unauthorized access portal and wormholes) that absorb other people's negative energy causing you to feel tired, irritable and not yourself.
* Clear Chakra Attachments
* Clear Negative Energies
* Clear Imprints
* Activation of All 15th Dimensional Chakras
Auric connections, adverse energies, and imprints; entry points, portals, and wormholes; attachments to chakras, imprints, and energies across the 15th chakras; disruptive influences on sexual energy genetics; inversion and reversal of sexual fluids' polarity; gender division; experiments on genetics and gender, both in the present and as part of soul history; etheric genital mutilation; extraction of etheric semen from astral and etheric assaults; presence of genital plugs and burn mark brands; involvement of Anunnaki, Draconians, Fallens (Ghosts), Greys, Mothman, Nordics, Zetas, and Djinns; deployment of etheric weaponry.
What is Aura Calibration?
After the Session
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