Aurora Prophecy
Aurora Prophecy
Aurora Prophecy is a Rainbow Plasma Bridge to Ancient Future timelines of Harmony
Rooted in Compassion 𐄢 Blooming Resilience 𐄢 Seeding Harmony
Reclamation of Sacred Crystal Heart Double Diamond Sun DNA
Genetic Alchemy
Exploring our Holistic Genetic blueprints and our place in Planetary Ascension. Collapsing inorganic architecture for the Reclamation and Salvation of Innocence our BioRegenisis birthright. Sovereignty and Embodiment with our Krystalign Holistic Relations with worldly nature and Earth realm.
Artist of Divine Joy
Ascension refers to the true natural evolutionary process of all life forms, by which the multi dimensional consciousness (spirit) and the genetic code, body form or organic physical structure grow and evolve simultaneously. Bio-spiritual Evolution is the natural process by which the DNA expands to prepare the physical body to hold progressively higher frequency bands and corresponding levels of conscious awareness. Mc27
Sovereign Path of Freedom
Divine Sovereignty is our direct connection to God-Source. “My declaration of intention is to serve my Source. I commit to serve my highest power fully, completely and totally."
Organic Krystic Science & Holistic Self Mastery
Online Group Immersions & 1:1
Earth Medicina
You have all the answers you seek, waiting within your Wisdom Well.
My name is Samantha, a passionate multi-disiplinary wellness practitioner, coming from a lineage of medicine woman of Deninu Kųę́ and West Africa. After a decade of exploring and remembering my mission on this planet, I have developed programs to assist others in their Birthright of Divine Sovereignty and Genetic Healing. Distilling the essence of self-empowerment into digestable and practical protocols tailored to your stage of remembrance and integration.
Get in Touch with Samantha!
Sign up for a Krystalign™ Consultation
Intelligent Use of Imagination is the Key to Personal Liberation
Aurora Mission
The Aurora Mission is to support the evolutionary quantum leap of Humanity by gracefully anchoring organic templates within. As Above, So Below. Individuals deeply rooted with eternal wisdom ushering a holistic Future for the generations to come, while correction the mistakes of the past. Honoring the past and innovating for the future. Honoring the ancient ones as we carve the future with cutting edge technology.
Organic In-cension
Ascension refers to the true natural evolutionary process of all life forms, by which the multi dimensional consciousness (spirit) and the genetic code, body form or organic physical structure grow and evolve simultaneously. Bio-spiritual Evolution is the natural process by which the DNA expands to prepare the physical body to hold progressively higher frequency bands and corresponding levels of conscious awareness. Many have become occupied with an idea of External Awakening i.e. Astral Projection, Remote Viewing, etc. In my experience, we have found the most effective method is to call back all of our energy quanta and use this to dive deeper within the Self. This becomes the bridge of Self Sourcing - rather than depending on external methods of spiritual ascension. Aurora Prophecy is dedicated to the Incension process, whereby we lay the foundation for our TRUE Self to rise within and operate in the Present moment on Earth.
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Aurora Prophecy © 2024 | Observe • Discern • Accept • Neutralize.