Oraphim Base 12
Emerald Order have contracts to awaken to at least the Avatar level (D-10 through D-12)and are here for world service contracts of various natures. All Emerald Order have experienced full ascension to Level-3 Ascended Mastery before returning to embodiment in time. Most have universal service contracts, not just planetary. They are of a league of beings so far beyond the scope of awareness here, that even some of the highest consciousness on planet and below D-12 have no idea who they are. The “Dark Side” hates them because they bring the knowledge of freedom. Most of us live as “sleepers” until the pre-scheduled time of our awakening, then we start to remember who we are and what we came to do.
The contemporary Indigo Children hybridization program is run by the Emerald Order Oraphim-Turaneusiam- the original Elder Human Race who seeded humans here 550 million years ago, and who vowed to assist us in reaching our 12-strand DNA potential on earth and not 10-strand, that is the Anunnaki and Drakonian DNA signature, HUMAN is 12-strand.
The Indigo Children are all incarnations of the Oraphim (there a 3 different types of Indigo’s), and they are incarnating now to help stimulate the general human gene code into a higher level of activation via reaching critical mass within the race morphogenetic field (scalar-template for matter manifestation). This hybridization with the original Human gene lines is being orchestrated to help humanity activate dormant DNA so the race can have a better chance of averting physical and genetic damage during the 2000-2017 Stellar Activations Cycle. (Changes in the Solar Light spectra that will occur in this period pose harm to the earth-human races because of present mutations in the general gene code that were passed on from ancient intrusion by the Sirian Anunnaki).
All Indigos are born with the 6th DNA strand activated - the DNA still appears as a “double helix, but there are additional encodings operational within the Sub-strand Matrices), which allowed for open memory of other space-time identity aspects.cosmos